Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Blogmas #4: Twas the Night Before Finals...

photo 3

I'm usually pretty good at not getting overwhelmed or delirious during finals, but today was a long long day. I spent roughly 10.5 hours in my same seat in the design lab working on my final portfolio for typography. I got it all printed out, though, so now all I have to do is take it to kinkos to get bound. And my web design project is off to a strong start (no thanks to my partner) and I'll be able to finish that up this weekend easily.

[caption id="attachment_1791" align="aligncenter" width="392"]photo 1 Ram Van rides are NOT my thing[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1792" align="aligncenter" width="392"]photo 2 so happy to be in the lab[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1794" align="aligncenter" width="392"]photo 4 some designing and type setting....[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1795" align="aligncenter" width="392"]photo 5 best note I've ever been passed. sums up my semester so well[/caption]

And although I put in a marathon day  in the lab, I still had to go back to my apartment and study for my exam tomorrow. DELIRIUM.

I didn't even get back to my apartment until about 10. And then there was midnight breakfast. One of the best traditions fordham has. As in our president, Father McShane serves bacon. Amazing.

[caption id="attachment_1796" align="aligncenter" width="392"]photo 2 father mcshane. god bless.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1797" align="aligncenter" width="392"]photo 3 NOMNOMNOM. i also got a few bagels for the road.[/caption]

And then I came back to my apartment to study for my test tomorrow. And I'm also waking up early to review a little more.

God help me.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Blogmas #3: Workin' Lady

On Tuesdays I intern from 9 AM until 6. Meaning I have to drag myself out of my warm and snuggly bed at 7 am. Not so fun, especially when it's snowing enormous snow flakes and you have to wait for the bus.

[caption id="attachment_1780" align="aligncenter" width="392"]you can't really see it in this picture, but it was definitely snowing hard today you can't really see it in this picture, but it was definitely snowing hard today[/caption]

And then I spent the rest of my day in my intern room working, which eventually turned into extra studying. And looking really sassy?

[caption id="attachment_1779" align="aligncenter" width="392"]photo 1 this came out sassier than intended.[/caption]

Here are a few more things that kept me nice and busy today:

My friend Erin posted this on my Facebook wall and I can't stop laughing at it. Paul and Jason are two people that I wish were in my group of friends.

And this entire series on YouTube:

and then I got back to my apartment, inhaled a ton of food for dinner and then went to the gym where I studied a little while I ellipticalled.

[caption id="attachment_1786" align="aligncenter" width="392"]s/o to my friend lauren, who hates when people do this. i'm that girl, lolly! s/o to my friend lauren, who hates when people do this. i'm that girl, lolly![/caption]

And then I procrastinated a little more by starting my laundry and painting my nails. Because they were disgusting.

[caption id="attachment_1787" align="aligncenter" width="392"]OPI you don't know Jaques OPI you don't know Jaques[/caption]

And then I finished up this blog and my laundry and snuggled into bed to study a little more. And not watch the VS fashion show like every other female on the planet...

Finals Do Work Playlist

I'm in the middle of studying for one major final, and then working on a few large design projects. While it's hard for me to seriously study with music on, having a good playlist definitely helps get me through writing long papers or doing extensive design projects.

I've been relying hard on iTunes Radio recently, but these songs are some I've starred and subsequently downloaded for my listening pleasure.



Monday, December 9, 2013

Blogmas #2: Avoiding Studying, and some Library-ing

It's finals time. Fordham has a fun thing where we have two "reading days" in addition to the weekend, so our testing doesn't actually start until Wednesday. And my test isn't until Thursday. So after trying as long as possible to avoid the library today, I finally made it over in the most miserable weather I've ever experienced. Cold mist.

I actually woke up earlier than my (10:30) alarm today, so I was able to have breakfast and get my stuff together before going to the gym. I even got around to cleaning my makeup brushes. (I'll do literally anything to avoid studying, obviously).

[caption id="attachment_1757" align="aligncenter" width="392"]clean brushies clean brushies[/caption]

 And then I went to the gym. Fitness > finals, apparently.

[caption id="attachment_1751" align="aligncenter" width="392"]2013-12-09 11.04.38 buff kelsey[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1752" align="aligncenter" width="392"]2013-12-09 11.42.35 an especially gloomy looking Bronx[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1753" align="aligncenter" width="392"]2013-12-09 12.15.26 laying in bed stimming and updating my music pre-shower and definitely pre-library[/caption]

After I did literally everything I could think of (shower, make coffee, update my music, eat lunch, clean my glasses...) I put on my new Pixie Pants that I've worn daily since I got them and a comfy shirt and trekked to the library where I avoided studying and doing work some more. I'm really not into finals.

[caption id="attachment_1755" align="aligncenter" width="392"]2013-12-09 13.02.35 note the inventive countdown calendar. im ready for break.[/caption]

I spent four hours at the library soaking up my Senior Values study guide, until I started breaking out in hives (?) and decided to wrap it up and head back to my apartment. Where I found Kaitie and Scott ordering Mexican food. Made my long day instantly a million times better. After that, I just sat around, wrote a new blog post and watched Criminal Minds before heading to bed and studying a little more.

[caption id="attachment_1770" align="aligncenter" width="392"]photo 1 so much fun in the museum section[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1771" align="aligncenter" width="392"]photo 2 and then i broke out in stress hives[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1772" align="aligncenter" width="392"]photo 3 and finally got around to studying[/caption]

Tomorrow I have work but hopefully I'll have more things to write about and time to study then, too.

Having a Benefit Moment

Last winter when I was writing about wanting nice makeup, Amanda commented and suggested Benefit Cosmetics, which I brushed off, as I usually do with recommendations from anyone because I'm annoying and stubborn. But lately, I've gotten super into all of Benefit's products. And I want them all.

Screen Shot 2013-12-09 at 8.05.48 PM

One thing I love about Benefit is that while they don't really make a ton of makeup palates, they have a ton of really cute kits, especially around this time of year. A kit with primer, powder, eyeshadow, cheek tint and mascara all in one? Amazing. Plus, this way you can see which products are intended to go together and test them out that way instead of just winging it (as I've been doing).

Screen Shot 2013-12-09 at 8.05.58 PM

I'm slowly getting into blush, and with promises to be the rose gold of blushes, Rockateur just looks gorgeous. I've seen a ton of positive reviews of it and every time I see it on someone, I want it just a teesny bit more.

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Two weeks ago when I was home and got my eyebrows waxed, the lady really messed them up. Not only did she rip a ton of skin off (ouch) but she also jacked up the shape of my right brow, too. I've never really considered filling in my brows before since they're really dark already, but now I kind of want to just fix them up and even them out. Plus, Gimme Brow won Allure's Best in Beauty, which is always a plus. And how cute is that little brush on there?

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Lately I've been wanting to experiment with eyeshadow lately and more importantly, with eyeshadow bases. I had a tiny little Too Faced Shadow Insurance sample I got a few years ago, but I just finished it up and I need another. This one reminds me of a MAC paint pot, but a little more shadow-y and less primer like.

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This set, like the first one, is pretty all-inclusive and has tons of pretty products, as well as a full mascara and a mirror! Screen Shot 2013-12-09 at 8.06.41 PMCan you tell I love sets?

Screen Shot 2013-12-09 at 8.30.18 PM

I'm not a foundation wearer. I've just recently been loving my Laura Mercier tinted moisturizer, but the full coverage of foundation has slowly been appealing to me, but only if I can find a product that doesn't cake and lets my skin breathe. Andthis formula has "oxygen" right in the name. And "wow."

I love how Benefit's products are all sassily named and how they have such a variety of products. And how cute is this advent calendar?? I love.

Sunday, December 8, 2013


photo 3

I've gotten really into YouTube videos lately after discovering SarahBelle93x, and a ton of other vloggers, like beautybaby44 (and her vlog channel) SierraMarieMakeup, and Arden Rose (plus her vlog channel), and basically I've been living in a YouTuber world and the trends there are starting to influence my blogging.

One thing that they are all doing is Vlogmas...vlogging every single day until Christmas. I love watching them because instead of the really put-together vlogs where their hair and makeup and lighting and outfits are just so, they bring their cameras around with them for their day to day lives and it's so real. I admire their transparency, and I want to start doing my own blog-mas for the remainder of the month.

I'm going to try really really hard to get up good blogs every night and get good pictures and such so they're interesting. Plus it will be an amazing way for me to escape finals and for me to document all of the super amazing things going on and so I can remember my last year in college (tears). Plus it will (hopefully) spice up my blog a little.

So here's Blogmas Post #1!

[caption id="attachment_1743" align="aligncenter" width="392"]me looking divine after going to the gym and doing work all day me looking divine after going to the gym and doing work all day[/caption]

Currently....I just finished up my finals work for today: starting my web design project (which I have the worst partner for) and then worked for hours and hours on a study guide for my senior values test on Thursday, up until about an hour ago. And then edited my last (!!!) reflection paper for the class, due tomorrow, while I stimmed my back.

[caption id="attachment_1744" align="aligncenter" width="392"]a delightfully OCD to do list a delightfully OCD to do list[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1746" align="aligncenter" width="392"]some web design fundamentals some web design fundamentals[/caption]

Because I obviously have my own stim machine here at school with me.But it's been low key around here, mostly finals and big projects to get through before working some amazing events and then heading back to Rochester for a while, which I'm sooo excited for.

Hair Bows


Maybe it's the cheerleader deep inside me, but I'm having a moment with hair bows right now. Not the big shiny ones from the days I used to compete, but simple ones to tuck behind a bun or hold back a few loose strands of hair. Instant cute.

And now that I've started looking, I can't stop. I think these are something I need.


Plaid | Velvet

Velvet | Polka Dot | Velvet/Dot

I am especially eyeing the navy polka dot and red plaid set. How perfect??
